Dark times are upon us, our enemy houses have allied and surrounded our home. Resources are limited, survival is unlikely but hope is not lost! We will push back these invaders or put up a bloody good fight trying. TO BATTLE!

Made as part of the GameDev.tv Game Jam 2024 - Theme "Last Stand"

A lot of the features I wanted in the game didn't make the final cut but that's what happens in game jams, still happy with what I managed to make. Hope you enjoy it too. Let me know what you think, I love hearing feedback - good or bad. 

Best of luck to everyone else that participated! 

Controls/Instructions -

Tap a lane to spawn the currently active unit in that lane

Use the menu at the bottom of the screen to select an active unit, train new units and manage your only resource - the population. 

When the population reaches zero, the castle falls.

Assets used -

Sound effects sourced from freesound.org

Music from opengameart.org 

Almost all of the art assets are from Kenney.nl 

The weapons are from Quaternius


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Nice game,  it reminded me that if you throw enough people at a problem you can solve anything. 

Got to day 9.

That is a good lesson to learn 😂

Thanks for playing!

Hey cool game. like the art style and animation

Thank you, glad you liked it 😁

I like the idea and theme, plus the gameplay itself is super good! It's challenging too! Please rate my game too! https://jaggard.itch.io/the-grayscale-defender

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I will happily check out and rate your game :)